

What We Do

We love teachers who love to teach. We particularly love Christian teachers who are seeking to teach from a Christian worldview.

Is that you?

We love people who want to write material which will teach and encourage others in Australia and overseas to bring Christ into their classroom.

Is that you?

Teachers, writers, those enthusiastic about Christian education, there are many ways in which you can contribute to our work here at New Hope International.

Maybe (when we are free to travel again) you’re keen to take a trip for a couple of weeks at a time to teach in the Philippines, Uganda, the Solomon Islands, Myanmar, Francophone Africa, Indonesia and wherever we are called. Online works too.


How we do what we do

We train trainers. These trainers travel to wherever we are called, to train teachers and other Christian educators. These teachers and educators teach children. These children belong to families and communities which can be impacted for Jesus. These people change culture, and changed cultures change the world.

Are you interested?

Would you like to be trained?

Once you are trained you too can train. You can also write material for our trainers.

Maybe you are an IT wiz or a marketing wiz. We don’t want you to feel left out. There’s plenty to do in the cause of Christian education no matter what your passion.

The best way to work out how you can travel with us is to contact a team member who will help you to find out more.

Community Development


New Hope International is not just about education. The communities that are a part of our schools can be helped as well.

While schools are transformed through Christ-centred teaching and learning, local communities can be transformed too by building a long-term shalom partnership with their Christian School.

We want to empower and build capacity in every school community through mentoring and partnerships, so that they can take initiative, a true sense of ownership of long-term projects, and responsibility for their own development.

If you are interested in becoming a member of our Community Development team, you must be prepared to build on a foundation of trusting relationships and to seek the input of those in the wider school community so that they are empowered to identify their own goals and vision. These cannot be decided by outsiders.

Interested in exploring these ideas?

Contact our team to find out more and to discover ways in which you can participate.



The first responsibility of the leader is to define reality. The last is to say thank you. In between the leader is a servant.
— M. McFee

Are you a leader?

Are you a Christian leader?

Do you want to lead and understand leadership from a Christian perspective?

Maybe you want to help other leaders, especially overseas, because they don’t have much opportunity for leadership training in developing countries.

NHI has developed a series of Leadership Training Modules, including practical management strategies, which are particularly suitable for international trainers.

We train you; you train them…and build amazing friendships on the journey.

Let us help you to step into the extraordinary.

Contact one of our experienced leaders for more information.


School Partnerships


Looking for a real challenge for your entire school?

A School Partnership may be for you.


Although teaching and leadership training are the key focus of NHI’s ministry to assist schools and their communities, we encourage Australian schools with a heart to serve schools in developing countries, and who have completed and are implementing the ETLS, to create a partnership with a developing school.

How exciting is that? You and your school family can serve a school family in a developing country.

Would you like to do that?

Well you can do that, and more.

Schools may be challenged to take up a partnership with a country which requests help. Not just a school but a whole country. That school will work with the NHI Country Director and take responsibility for training of teachers and oversight of community projects. That’s big. Are you and your school team up for it?

Lots of training.

Lots of travel (when we can get there) and

Lots of love from those you serve there.

Talk to your Principal and then contact our team to see what we can do to help.